Wednesday, June 22

My ideal job

Hello once more lol, I will write about my ideal job. First I have to say that the area that I want to specialize me is Equine medicine, specially in dentistry or traumatology . Why? Because I love horses, I think that they are the most beautiful animals, I admire their strong . The dentistry in horses is very very important because if the horse has one teeth decay, just one teeth, and the horse stop to eat and even  stop to drink water, producing a decline in the efficiency of the horse. The traumatology treats one of the most frequent problem in the horses, the lameness, what produces that the horse can´t compete (if the horse is use to riding), can't accomplish with the purpose of them or in the worst of the cases, the horse can't walk.
 I would like to work in the Riding School of Carabineros of Chile "General Óscar Cristi Gallo"  or in the Army Cavalry School of Chile because when I was a little girl, my parents took me to a show of riding of these schools and I love it. I'm thinking about have my own equine clinic too but I'm not quite sure of it (I like to work in open spaces, I'm not good working in an office or something like that).
If I could pick someone who work with, I choose to Eduardo Porter, he is an expert and an eminence of the equine medice in Chile, so it would be really really great and awesome have the opportunity to work with him.
 This job would make me happy because as I said before, I love horses and  becomming in a veterinarian I will can help them  to be healthy.
That's all for this time.
Bye bye and take care.

Wednesday, May 25


Hello to everybody! This time the homework is about the favorite subject of us. Well well, my favorite subject is chemistry, maybe is a little bit nerd and many people thinks that is really boring and the true is that I'm not good for it but I still like it.
Chemistry is  the science or study about the composition, structure, and properties of matter, the  before and the after of a reaction, the role of energy  in the reactions,how this things works and the importance of it for many careers.
 I like this subject because I think that is very interesting and important for veterinary medicine, also because here in the university the classes has a laboratory for the topics of almost every class that we have, so is more clear and easy to learn and understand about it. I especially like the organic chemistry, which is about the molecules and their interactions of it in the organism.
The chemistry classes are four times per week, three of theories and one in the laboratory that it can be a practice or a seminary, it is like a demonstration of many reactions. Sometimes the classes are boring but it's just sometimes.

That's all for this time :D
Bye bye.